Laramie’s Living History —
A Variety of Other Topics
A series of stories prepared for the Albany County Museum Coalition, an alliance of institutions that promote Laramie’s historic and cultural resources. This series originally appeared in the Laramie Boomerang.
Not all Albany County history falls into a specific category; a wide assortment of additional topics are covered on these pages.
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Friday night lights—Laramie High School Football
Learn about one of the best football programs in Wyoming high school history.
Laramie’s long literary tradition—150 years and counting
On September 15, 1870, a seemingly improbable announcement appeared on page 3 of the Laramie Daily Sentinel: “TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN—All those who are interested in the formation of a Literary Society are invited to be present at the Schoolhouse on Tuesday evening, Sept. 19th, 1870, at 7½ o’clock.”
Laramie’s First Motorized School Bus?
Was Laramie’s first school bus a Model T? We may never know for sure, but the Early family of Laramie claimed their mom was the first school bus driver, and that was her transportation.