This list contains a selection of sources that explore the history of Wyoming and Albany County.
Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft History Of Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, 1540-1888. San Francisco Calif.: History Co., 1890.
Bartlett, I. S. History of Wyoming. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1918.
Beach, Cora. Women of Wyoming. Casper, Wyoming: S.E. Boyer and Company, 1927.
Beard, Frances Birkhead. Wyoming from Territorial Days to the Present. Chicago: The American Historical Society, 1933.
Beery, Gladys B. The Front Streets of Laramie City. Laramie, Wyo.: Albany Seniors, Inc., 1990.
Brown, Melville C. Wyoming State Archives MSS #319, “History of Albany County, Wyoming.” 1927
Brown Melville C. Wyoming State Archives MSS #319A, “Early Lawyers and Early Courts.” Nd.
Burns, Robert Homer, Andrew Springs Gillespie, and Willing Gay Richardson. Wyoming's Pioneer Ranches. Edition limited to one thousand copies. ed. Laramie, Wyo.: Top-of-the-World Press, 1955.
Casement, John and Frances. Papers. Coll. 00308. American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
Chatterton, Fenimore. Yesterday's Wyoming; The Intimate Memoirs of Fenimore Chatterton, Territorial Citizen, Governor, and Statesman, an Autobiography.. Aurora, Colo.: Powder River Publishers, 1957.
Clough, Wilson Ober. A History of the University of Wyoming 1887-1937. Laramie, Wyo.: Laramie Print. Co., 1937.
Congressional Record Forty Sixth Congress Vol. IX, X, XI & Index. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1881. https://babel.hathitrust.org
Congressional Series of United States Public Documents, Volume 2113. https://books.google.com
Converse, Jesse. Papers. Coll. 00109. American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
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Council Journal of the Fifth Assembly of the Territory of Wyoming. Cheyenne, Wyoming: Glafcke, 1878. books.google.com
Crofutt, George A. Crofutt's Trans-continental Tourist's Guide: Containing a Full and Authentic Description of over Five Hundred Cities. 3rd Vol., 2nd Annual Revise. ed. New York: G.A. Crofutt ;, 1871
Daly, Major Beverly C. Papers. Coll. 03474. American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming
Duncan, Mel. The Medicine Bow Mining Camps. Laramie, Wyo.: Jelm Mountain Publications, 1990.
Evans, Lloyd R. Ghost Towns of Albany County: Twice Told Tales. Laramie, Wyo.: Laramie Plains Museum, 1984.
Ewig, Rick. “Wyoming Women Jurors.” Annals of Wyoming 62 No.3
Gould, Gertrude. History of Health and Hospitals in Albany County, Wyoming. np: np, 1973.
Gould, Lewis L. Wyoming; a Political History, 1868-1896. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968.
Hall, Edward Hagaman. St. Matthew's Cathedral in Laramie, Wyoming, a Description of its Fabric, Memorials and Institutions, with Historical Notes Concerning the Evolution of the Protestant Episcopal Missionary District of Wyoming.. Laramie, Wyoming: unknown, 1931
Hardy, Deborah. Wyoming University the First 100 Years 1886-1986. Laramie, Wyo.: University of Wyoming. 1985.
Hebard, Grace. Papers. Coll. 400008. American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.
Hebard, Grace Raymond. “The Frist Woman Jury.” The Journal of American History VII no. IV (1913): 1293-1341.
"Historic American Newspapers - Chronicling America (The Library of Congress)." Historic American Newspapers - Chronicling America (The Library of Congress). http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/
Homsher, Lola M. The History of Albany County, Wyoming, to 1880. Lusk, Wyoming: Lusk Herald, 1965.
House Journal of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Wyoming. Vol. V. Cheyenne, Wyoming: Glafcke, 1877.
House Journal of the Eleventh Legislative Assembly. of the Territory of Wyoming. Laramie, Wyoming: Charles Rauner, 1890.
House Journal of the Ninth Legislative Assembly. of the Territory of Wyoming. Cheyenne, Wyoming: Bristol and Kane, 1886.
House Journal of the Third State Legislature of Wyoming. Cheyenne, Wyoming: Daily Sun Book Print, 1895.
Jackson, Louise; Day, Michael July 1991 “Wyoming Literary and Library Association 1870-1878”, Journal of the West. Vol. 30 Issue 3 (July 1991).
Jones, A.C. Papers. Coll. 00069. American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.
Jones, Keith R. History of Jelm, Wyoming: And Tales of the Old Cummins City and Woods Landing. Jelm, Wyoming: Jelm Mountain Publications, 2015.
Jones, Walter R. “Coal Mining Explosions at Almy, Wyoming: Their Influence on Wyoming’s First Coal Mining Safety Laws.” Annals of Wyoming 56, no. 1.
Journal and Debates Of The Constitutional Convention Of The State Of Wyoming: Begun At The City Of Cheyenne on September 2, 1889. Cheyenne: Daily Sun, 1893.
Kingman, John, “Autobiography.” Annals of Wyoming 14, no. 3.
Larson, T. A. History of Wyoming. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1965.
Larson, T. A. "Wyoming Statehood." Annals of Wyoming 37, no. 1.
Lawrence, Amy M. From Fox Hounds to Farming: the History of the Douglas-Willan Sartoris Ranch and the Wyoming Central Land and Improvement Company. University of Wyoming 1995.
Laws of Wyoming Passed at the Fifth Legislative Assembly. Cheyenne, Wyoming: Glafcke, 1878. books.google.com
Mason, Mary Kay, ed., Laramie--Gem City of the Plains. Dallas, Tex.: Curtis Media Corp., 1987.
Massie, Michael. “Reform is Where You Find It: The Roots of Woman Suffrage in Wyoming.” Annals of Wyoming 63, no. 1.
Maxwell, Hu. The History of Barbour County, West Virginia, from Its Earliest Exploration and Settlement to the Present Time. Morgantown, W. Va.: Acme Pub., 1899.
Moore, William Howard. “Pietism and Progress: James Harford and the Wyoming Anit-Gambling Tradition 1869-1893.” Annals of Wyoming, 55 No. 2.
Nelson, Alice Downey. Biographical Sketches of Stephen Wheeler Downey and Eva V. Downey. Laramie, Wyo: [publisher not identified]. 1938.
Nelson, Alice Downey. Downeys from Ireland: an Historical Chronicle of One American Family. Washington, D.C.: [publisher not identified] 1956.
Nelson, Alice Downey. Mother is a Grand Old Name: an American Family Grows Up. Arlington, Va.: [publisher not identified]. 1950.
Nelson, Elmer K. “Aunt Norn and Uncle Will, Memories of the Downey Family of Laramie” Annals of Wyoming 69, no. 1.
Peterson, C. S. Men of Wyoming: The National Newspaper Reference Book Of Wyoming Containing Photographs And Biographies Of Over Three Hundred Men Residents. Denver, Colo.: C. S. Peterson, 1915.
Potter, Charles. Report of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of Wyoming from 15 February 1894 to October 25, 1895. Chicago: Callahan & Company, 1898.
Potter, Charles. Report of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of Wyoming from October 3, 1898 to December 4, 1899. Chicago: Callahan & Company, 1901.
Roberts, Phil. “Near Repeal of Women’s Suffrage.”
Roberts, Phil."The Wyoming Constitutional Convention and Adoption of Wyoming’s Constitution. Accessed January 10, 2015.
Session Laws of the State of Wyoming Passed by the Fifth State Legislature. Laramie, Wyoming: Chaplin, Spafford & Matthison, 1899.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, Susan B. Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage, and Ida Husted Harper. History of Woman Suffrage. 2nd ed. Vol. III. New York: Fowler & Wells, 1887.
Strahorn, Robert E. Handbook of Wyoming and Guide to the Black Hills and Big Horn Regions. Cheyenne, Wyoming: Western Press, 1877.
Talbot, Ethelbert. My People of the Plains. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1906.
The Historical Encyclopedia of Wyoming. Cheyenne: Wyoming Historical Institute, 1970.
Thomas, E.A. Report of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the Territory of Wyoming from its Organization to March 1878. San Francisco CA: A.L. Bancroft and Company, 1879.
Thybony, Scott, Robert G. Rosenberg, and Elizabeth Mullett Rosenberg. The Medicine Bows: Wyoming's Mountain Country. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1985.
Trenholm,Virginia Cole. ed. Wyoming Blue Book. Cheyenne, Wyoming: State Archives and Historical Department, 1974. Vol 1 & 2.
Triggs, J.H. History and Directory of the City of Laramie. Laramie WY: Daily Sentinel, 1875.
University of Wyoming Board of Trustees minutes. http://www.uwyo.edu/trustees/board-meeting-archives.
Viner, Kim. Melville C. Brown, Frontier Lawyer and Jurist. Laramie, Wyoming: Kim Viner: 2015.
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Viner, Kim, West to Wyoming - The Extraordinary Life and Legacy of Stephen Wheeler Downey
Woods, L. Milton. Sometimes the Books Froze: Wyoming's Economy and its Banks. Boulder, Colo.: Colorado Associated University Press, 1985.
Woods, L. Milton. Wyoming Biographies. Worland, Wyo.: High Plains Pub. Co., 1991.