Laramie’s Living History —
A Variety of Other Topics
A series of stories prepared for the Albany County Museum Coalition, an alliance of institutions that promote Laramie’s historic and cultural resources. This series originally appeared in the Laramie Boomerang.
Not all Albany County history falls into a specific category; a wide assortment of additional topics are covered on these pages.
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Mapping the Laramie Plains, Part I In pursuit of the third dimension
In the spring of 1893, Albany County Surveyor W.O. Owen received a set of maps from the US Geological Survey for review. Owen had known what to expect, but the others who viewed them were surprised. "The maps are of a very interesting character ...", wrote a reporter for the Laramie Boomerang, "almost every hill and cañon can be determined at a glance!"
Wyoming Territory slowly protects big game animals. Decline in population leads to regulations
Most who know about the history of the American Frontier are familiar with the demise of the buffalo. Herds numbering millions were wiped out within a relatively short time. A similar fate befell deer, elk and especially antelope in Wyoming. Early efforts to stem the slaughter by the legislature were largely ineffective.
Our Spectacular Stromatolites (Say what??)
Our Spectacular Stromatolites (Say what??)
High in the Medicine Bow Mountains west of Laramie, near the base of the Snowy Range, lie spectacular finely-layered rounded rock structures reminiscent of cabbage. These are stromatolites—in fact, some of the most spectacular stromatolites on Earth
Celebrating the “Great Skyroad”
Warmed by a roaring fire, Governor Nellie Tayloe Ross (standing on makeshift platform) dedicates the "Great Skyroad" over the Snowy Range on July 4, 1926.
Big Hollow, an Exceptional Hole in the Ground
In the Laramie Basin just west of Laramie lies an exceptional hole in the ground—the Big Hollow