Laramie’s Living History — Businesses
A series of stories prepared for the Albany County Museum Coalition, an alliance of institutions that promote Laramie’s historic and cultural resources. This series originally appeared in the Laramie Boomerang.
The type of businesses in Albany County have changed over time but some have roots to 1868.
Looking for something specific?
Search for businesses related to Albany County and Laramie, Wyoming.
For a better search experience, use specific words and phrases, like “Thornton Biggs”, “Professor Larson”, etc.
Laramie’s steam whistles—destroying the quiet But signaling jobs and economic prosperity
Steam whistles were commonly heard in early Laramie. Most of us have no idea what it was like to live in Laramie during the era of steam engines. It wasn’t just the whistles of the steam locomotives disturbing the peace; it was the whistles from all the steam-powered factories of Laramie.