Laramie’s Living History — People
A series of stories prepared for the Albany County Museum Coalition, an alliance of institutions that promote Laramie’s historic and cultural resources. This series originally appeared in the Laramie Boomerang.
The people who comprise the Albany County community come from several social strata, ethnicities, and races.
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The ladies of the Laramie jury; First in the world to serve—1870
On March 7, 1870, for the first time in the world, women served on a formal jury. It happened in Laramie because passage of the Suffrage Act by the Wyoming Territorial Assembly in December of 1869 gave women the right to vote and hold office.
Laramie makes world history: First women serving on a jury.
Should women have the right to serve on a jury? That was an open question in Albany County in 1870.