Laramie’s Living History — Buildings
A series of stories prepared for the Albany County Museum Coalition, an alliance of institutions that promote Laramie’s historic and cultural resources. This series originally appeared in the Laramie Boomerang.
Albany County is blessed to have many historical buildings preserved and well documented.
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Good fishing needs a good hatchery
Early pioneers to Wyoming loved to fish. And right away, by 1868, resident anglers were voicing concerns about local fish and game populations—concerned that their favorite fishing spots might run out of stock. Eventually a government fish hatchery was built south of Laramie to remedy any concerns.
Once Old Main had a tower
When the University of Wyoming first opened for students on September 6, 1887, its one instructional building had four stories and a magnificent octagonal tower.
A High School for Laramie takes shape—in 1876
Hopes for formal education were high in Laramie in 1869. That it was a high priority is evident by the fact that just one year after the town’s founding, citizens had voluntarily raised enough money to open a small school at the corner of Third and Grand, now occupied by the Connor Hotel.